Montefiore Patient stories
Montefiore was looking for new ways to connect with consumers and potential referring doctors. However, they recognized perception of the brand trailed the big-name hospital systems in the NYC area and didn’t align with the high quality of care and expertise is offered.
We highlighted a series of Montefiore patients and their real-life stories to change this misperception. Each one is about a real person dealing with serious medical issues. The ads feature the patient as a hero and uses their own words to bring the story to life.
Among those who recalled seeing the ads: 71% reported an improved perception of Montefiore.
Paid social 78% above benchmark, Display 60% above benchmark
Website: Over 43,000 website visits and 27,812 video views in the first 2 months
Responsibilities: Creative Direction, Art director
Agency: Sandbox
As seen from the Hutch